Super Bowl TV Commercials

Super Bowl Tickets

The Top Super Bowl TV Commercials

What would the Super Bowl be without its famous commercials? Not just during halftime, throughout the whole game we get to see what advertisers call the 'Super Bowl of the Ads'! And, of course, the next morning everyone is still talking about all the (good and bad) commercials during the super bowl. Radio stations and newspapers publish their poll results for the newest and best Super Bowl Commercials. We all talk about Budweiser Super Bowl Commercials and many of the other big companies that participate in the in-official contest.

After the amazing success in 2009, Doritos announced in September 2009 that they will air three user generated ads during the Super Bowl XLIV. On their website Doritos details all the rules and winners. Go to Doritos Super Bowl Commercial for a little taste of what the six finalists have brought to the table.

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